Painful Cramps After 40: What Should You Do?


For many women, their menstrual cramps stop or slow down once they become mothers or enter middle age. But if you're over 40 years of age and still have painful periods, take steps to find out why now. Menstrual cramping, or dysmenorrhea, can be a sign of a more serious gynecological condition, such as uterine fibroids. Here's a possible reason for your cramps and what you might do to treat it.

Why Are Your Cramps So Bad?

There are two types of dysmenorrhea: primary and secondary. Most women experience primary dysmenorrhea before or during their menstruation. However, some individuals experience painful cramps when they develop a reproductive problem like uterine fibroids. 

Primary menstrual cramping usually occurs some time before your periods or during it. The cramps tend to be very painful in the beginning but gradually ease up as your period progresses. Fibroids describe growths, or tumors, that develop inside, outside, and on the uterus. It isn't clear as to why fibroids develop, but certain factors such as abnormal changes in your hormones may be a possible reason. Being overweight, over age 40, or having a family history of fibroids may also possible causes of uterine growths.

Although fibroids can be painless for most women, the growths can cause significant pain for other individuals. Fibroids can cause pain if they grow very large and create pressure in and on the uterus. Your other symptoms may include lower back pain, nausea, and other uncomfortable symptoms. One of the best ways to find relief for your painful cramps is to see a gynecologist for a detailed exam.

What Can You Do About Your Cramps?

A gynecologist will generally perform a sonogram, X-ray, or another diagnostic test to see why your cramps are so bad. If you do have fibroids, the imaging techniques can reveal their actual sizes and locations, which helps a doctor provide the right treatment to you.

Surgery may used to remove large fibroids that will continue to increase in size and cause pain. If your fibroids are still small, a doctor may prescribe medications to shrink them. Sometimes, medications that control how your hormones work may be used. A gynecologist will generally go over the best treatments for you in greater detail after your exam.

You can help reduce your pain at home by eating a healthy diet. Some sources reveal that fruits, vegetables, and beans can help regulate your hormones, reduce your body weight, and control the development of abnormal cells, which are all possible factors for fibroids.

To learn more about your painful cramps, talk to a gynecologist or visit a clinic like Womens Health Care.


19 January 2017

A New Baby

For many couples, bringing home a new baby from the hospital is one of the most exciting events of their lives. Do you believe you’re pregnant for the first time in your life? If you think you’re expecting a baby, schedule an appointment with a reputable OBGYN as soon as possible. This medical professional can perform a pregnancy test on you in order to confirm if your suspicions are correct. If you’re pregnant, your OBGYN will likely prescribe prenatal vitamins for you to take every day. This individual might also offer you advice about proper nutrition and exercise. On this blog, I hope you will discover how OBGYNs help women thrive during pregnancy. Enjoy!